Our Vision

The vision of Hope Outdoors originated with a few men from Chatom, AL. They had a desire to use their passion for hunting and fishing to show their love for Jesus Christ. They also had a heart for the disabled and terminally ill. Since 2004, our chapters have ministered to hundreds of families through our hunting and fishing trips.

About Hope Outdoors

In 2005 several men from the Chatom, AL area got together with a vision to begin an outdoor ministry that would combine their love for people, their passion for hunting, and their heart for ministry. Through lots of prayers and God’s blessings, Hope Outdoors was born.

Hope Outdoors ministers to individuals with special needs through outdoor experiences such as hunting and fishing at no cost to the participant or their family. The primary focus of Hope Outdoors is to show Christ’s love for every person we come in contact with, whether it be a participant, a family member or a volunteer, and to share His message of salvation to each of them.

Since 2005 Hope Outdoors has grown from 1 chapter in Chatom, AL to 18 chapters in 7 different states. Hope Outdoors is a 501c3 Non-Profit Ministry, and we rely solely on donations. All donations are tax-deductible.

If you would like to know more about Hope Outdoors, please contact our National Director:

Steve “Opie” Thomas at 662-231-9552.